Monday, May 17, 2010

Garage WOD

WOD: "Tommy V" (Scaled)
12 Heavy thrusters
12 Rope get-ups

9 Heavy thrusters
9 Rope get-ups
6 Heavy thrusters
6 Rope get-ups
3 Heavy thrusters
3 Rope get-ups
Post time to comments.

Craig's WOD

WOD: "Karen"
150 Wall ball shots @ 20#
Post time to comments.

Washington DC Trip WODS

Tuesday: Rest day!

Wednesday: 5 mi. run on Gettysburg battlefield: ~45 min.

Thursday: 10 rounds for time of:
10 Burpees
20 Sit-ups
10 DB push press (20#)

Friday: For time:
10-1 Double unders
20-2 DB squats (20#)

Saturday and Sunday: Rest days!